Archive for Hate Crime

Liberals one step closer to enacting thought crime

Posted in Culture, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , on October 13, 2009 by thedoyle

Bryon York of the Washington Examiner reports that Democrats are slipping a “Hate Crime” Bill into the National Defense Authorization Act. At the moment Hate Crimes are used as modifiers for sentencing, in other words if you kill someone you would get 10 years (random number not based on any specific Penal Law) but if you are found guilty of a Hate Crime then the sentencing could go higher. To be found guilty the jury looks at your intent i.e. what you were thinking at the time of the crime…let me repeat that you are found guilty based on what you were thinking.

Liberals claim that this extra sentencing is not that odd since there are other factors that can increase a sentence like possession of a firearm and that is true, but the possession of a firearm is generally an objective test and even that objective test can still be reduced i.e. the weapon is unloaded. There is no objective way to look into a criminal’s mind, even their speech may not be an accurate indicator.

Liberals also claim that this extra sentencing is needed because the punishments are not enough when ever one of the “special classes” is attacked. First off, let us not forget it is Liberals who often weaken criminal penalties due to their misguided belief that criminals aren’t to blame, its society’s fault or the parent’s fault or the system is broken…pick your excuse. If they hadn’t spent the last 60+ years weakening the justice system perhaps they wouldn’t need extra sentencing measures. Although I will admit that last point can be argued, I still think I have the better argument. Secondly the whole idea of “special classes” goes against everything this country is supposed to mean. Of course to Liberals the whole idea of “All animals are equal, but some Animals are more equal than others” is the cornerstone of their ideals.

Attempts such as this current extension of existing Hate Crime laws (which should never have been made) are all a part of Liberals plan to make what you think illegal…as long as you are not thinking what they want you to think.