Archive for Hypocrisy

Liberals one step closer to enacting thought crime

Posted in Culture, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , on October 13, 2009 by thedoyle

Bryon York of the Washington Examiner reports that Democrats are slipping a “Hate Crime” Bill into the National Defense Authorization Act. At the moment Hate Crimes are used as modifiers for sentencing, in other words if you kill someone you would get 10 years (random number not based on any specific Penal Law) but if you are found guilty of a Hate Crime then the sentencing could go higher. To be found guilty the jury looks at your intent i.e. what you were thinking at the time of the crime…let me repeat that you are found guilty based on what you were thinking.

Liberals claim that this extra sentencing is not that odd since there are other factors that can increase a sentence like possession of a firearm and that is true, but the possession of a firearm is generally an objective test and even that objective test can still be reduced i.e. the weapon is unloaded. There is no objective way to look into a criminal’s mind, even their speech may not be an accurate indicator.

Liberals also claim that this extra sentencing is needed because the punishments are not enough when ever one of the “special classes” is attacked. First off, let us not forget it is Liberals who often weaken criminal penalties due to their misguided belief that criminals aren’t to blame, its society’s fault or the parent’s fault or the system is broken…pick your excuse. If they hadn’t spent the last 60+ years weakening the justice system perhaps they wouldn’t need extra sentencing measures. Although I will admit that last point can be argued, I still think I have the better argument. Secondly the whole idea of “special classes” goes against everything this country is supposed to mean. Of course to Liberals the whole idea of “All animals are equal, but some Animals are more equal than others” is the cornerstone of their ideals.

Attempts such as this current extension of existing Hate Crime laws (which should never have been made) are all a part of Liberals plan to make what you think illegal…as long as you are not thinking what they want you to think.

Obama is not interested in photo ops, he’s only interested in photo ops. UPDATED

Posted in Media, Politics with tags , , , , , , on October 6, 2009 by thedoyle

When I saw the other day that Obama refused to meet with the Dalai Lama my first thought was Gunga Galunga my second thought is that Obama really is a weasel. Obama has to meet with the ChiComs next month and he obviously wants to suck up to them in way no President has ever sucked up before. What was most amusing to me though, was insistence from Obama’s officials that it had nothing to do with the up coming meeting and had to do with the fact “this president is not interested in symbolism or photo ops but in deliverables

What a crock. The NY Post shows exactly how interested Obama is in symbolism and photo ops, because yesterday it went wrong.

There is little I love more than watching Obama and his administration caught in lie after lie and embarrassment after embarrassment. The only thing I love more than that is watching his lemmings try to cover for him.

UPDATE: Michelle Malkin has also noticed the Photo Op here and here. The second story is an in-depth look at not just the propaganda but also what is lurking behind it. Check it out.

A great video about Liberal hypocrisy

Posted in Culture, Media, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on October 5, 2009 by thedoyle

The youtube channel is PaulWilliamsWorld, but not sure if he made it or is just showing it, either its a great video. Watch it and email it friends.

So much for Civility

Posted in Culture, Media, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 2, 2009 by thedoyle

Nothing like a little Liberal hypocrisy to start the day. Nancy Pelosi took to the microphones and complained about the rhetoric being used, I already pointed out her hypocrisy on this before but this new chapter is too good to pass up.

The other day I posted about the congressman, Alan Grayson from FL, who went went on a vitriolic attack and the complete lack of outrage from Liberals. Just as reminder the RNC put out a video showing everyone the truth behind the Left’s calls for civility.

Now Pelosi went to bat for her Democratic colleague, at a press conference not only did she dismiss the need for an apology, she also outright lied AND almost slipped and made the point that Joe Wilson should not have had to apologize.

It is important to note that Wilson DID apologize to the President directly, so Pelosi’s claim that everyone should have to apologize is a lie. It is also important to note that Republicans have given numerous plans to reform healthcare, so her claim they have no plan is lie number 2, although she got that lie from Obama himself. And then there is her slip of “there’s no more reason for Mr.Grayson to apologize than for…uh”…. uh what? Then for Mr. Wilson to apologize? Well if that’s the case will they take back their “distraction” of a rebuke? Somehow I doubt it.

Pelosi is a true waste of flesh much like the Left in general. I’ve said before I think the calls for civility are jokes but no matter what, Liberals are the biggest jokes of all.

Warning: Language

Posted in Culture, Media, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 29, 2009 by thedoyle

I got the title from an old Far Side cartoon, but looking around I wasn’t able to find a copy and also probably not a good idea if I infringe on the copyright. But today’s topic is about language.

Until we evolve into a higher order and are able to communicate telepathically we are stuck with verbal and written communication. I am constantly amazed at the sloppy language used everyday by people. Even going through law school I was amazed at the sloppy language used by my fellow students. I don’t mean the occasional typo, spoonerism, sarcastic or hyperbolic remark or slip of the tongue, Freudian or otherwise. I mean sloppy word choice, such as “no one believes that”, a phrase like that is easy to disprove and the speaker or writer should know better. It is often easy to spot when a speaker (I will use speaker for both verbal and written from here on…too lazy to write speaker or writer every time) just threw up a word rather than carefully thought it out vs. one who may have misspoke, usually in the latter case the speaker will correct themselves. In normal conversations between friends it may not be as important to the participants in the discussion, friends will often overlook such sloppiness because they will understand the meaning the speaker was actually trying to convey.

However, worse than sloppiness is when language is purposefully distorted and used to attack. Recently the Washington Post and the Associated Press attacked James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles, the journalists who exposed ACORN as the corrupt organization it really is. The Post falsely attributed a quote to O’Keefe making it appear that O’Keefe had a racial motivation. Scott Johnson of Powerline noticed it right away and demanded a response. Johnson followed up by pointing out that another blogger, John Rosenberg, had noticed a pattern by the Post author and also that Joel Mowbray had looked into the “drive-by mugging” of O’Keefe.

The Post did print a “correction” that’s actually a non-correction and Mr. Johnson notices the odd wording of the “correction”. Johnson links to a great article which blasts the Post for continuing to slime while pretending to correct.

I bring all of this up because the Post’s original article and its subsequent “correction” are an indicator of how the Left uses language to its advantage to slant any discussion their way and slime anyone who disagrees with them. The Left of course has no problem with this at all, which is why they go into fits about Sarah Palin using the phrase “death panels” on Facebook to describe panels that would have the authority to choose who may get life saving treatment but they don’t make a peep over a National Paper falsely putting racist words in the mouths of an opponent.

Lloyd Marcus at American Thinker has had enough. His article is entitled “Stop Allowing the Left to Set the Rules” and it s a great piece about how this sort of thing happens all the time and how especially now with all of the racism charges being thrown around by the left it must be combated. He also notes the cries for “civility” by the very same people who ignored or encouraged such incivility towards George W. Bush and Sarah Palin.

I have pointed out the hypocrisy of Liberals about this subject before. I could make every post every day on this blog about another example of it. Mr. Marcus is correct we need to be aware of the language used by the Left. It can’t be put down to pure sloppy thinking (although that is another problem the Left does have), most of the time it is well thought out to do the maximum amount of damage. By pointing out the Left’s tactics and hypocrisy and making sure our own language is direct we can defeat these nitwits.

That being said, I have no plans to stop being a sarcastic S.O.B.

Liberals take off the warrior masks and reveal hypocrite faces beneath

Posted in Politics, War with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 28, 2009 by thedoyle

Rich Lowry of NRO points out New York Times hypocrite Frank Rich’s changing stance on Afghanistan here but Rich is not alone in his hypocrisy. All of the Democrats and their Liberal supporters share that particular vice. During the Presidential Campaign the Dems and especially “The One” made quite the stink about how George W. Bush had taken his eye off the “important fight” and wasted time in Iraq. I knew at the time they were full of it, that they were willing to say anything to bash Bush but make it seem as though they themselves were not simply just a bunch of arugula-eating-surrender-monkeys.

Now, predictably, they are ready to give up the fight…again. Sure they blame it on changing circumstances such as the election, but that’s simply a pretext thinner than the Gulf of Tonkin (also used by a Dem) to do what they wanted to do earlier; give up, apologize and bend over. That is what they seem best at.

Will Liberals complain about this?

Posted in Culture, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , on September 26, 2009 by thedoyle

Of course they wont, they’re hypocrites.

Oh, complain about what I hear you say. Well remember the wailing and gnashing of teeth over Sarah Palin’s use of the phrase “death panel” in describing the end of life counseling and Obama’s desire to have a panel of experts decide what treatments were worth having. Liberals couldn’t believe someone would say such things, they weren’t remotely true, no such thing was in the bill, so since it wasn’t true and it wasn’t in the bill…they then removed it from the bill.

Oh hyperbole, you horrid thing. Liberals will disdain you and those who use you forever…until that is one of their own uses it.

Wow a video showing a Democrat in Congress using over the top language about death and healthcare and the liberal response so far?

Nancy Pelosi: Hypocrite…not a news flash I know.

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 18, 2009 by thedoyle

Nancy Pelosi has always seemed to me to be one defeat away from becoming an insane cat lady yelling at kids on her lawn. She has that wide eyed look of those who aren’t quite sure where they are at all times. Every time I wonder how she keeps getting elected I remember where she is from and then it at least makes some sense. At the beginning of the town hall summer she immediately began her hypocritical denunciations of the protesters calling them “astro-turf” and “mobs.” As Speaker of the House she officially called their activities “UN-American” in an op-ed piece. Hmmm, the Speaker of the House worried about their Un-American Activities I wonder…maybe she could set up a Committee to look into that, I wonder what she could call it. Can anyone think of a good name for such a committee?

Well after spending her summer insulting protesters and dialing up the rhetoric, now she seems worried about the rhetoric. Not her own or that of other Liberals mind you, no that would require some personal insight and those glassy eyes are incapable of that, no she is worried about the rhetoric of those on the right. She is worried that the rhetoric of those who oppose Obama’s policies like Obamacare, like yours truly, will lead to violence. It would be easy for me to point out that the Left, you know the party she is a part of, is more prone to violence. It would be easy to point out that at the 9/12 protests there was not a single arrest or violent incident, it would be easy to point out that during August at the townhall meetings, the violence that occurred was done leftist SEIU thugs and MOVEON biters. It would be easy to point out that during the Leftist protests of Bush and Republicans there were Molotov Cocktails thrown, windows smashed, cars overturned and police riot squads needed. And so I will go the easy route, the Left is the group that tends towards violence at the drop of a Che Kerchief.

Michele Malkin points out a recent letter Pelosi sent out for fund raising purposes. It begins:
“If this summer proved anything, it showed how urgently we must stand together to restore civility to our politics and help President Obama seize this historic moment for health insurance reform in America.”

Of course if she truly wanted to restore civility she could begin with altering her own language…not likely. And I guess after she helps Obama seize the moment she will also help him seize political power by armed insurrection and then to destroy the capitalist state ok maybe that’s a bit harsh since he didn’t seize power through armed insurrection, merely fraud, although they both seem hell bent on destroying the capitalist state.

I won’t bore you with the rest of Pelosi’s hypocritical screed, its just more of the same with a please send us money theme. It’s almost as boring as her crying on TV the other day when she worried about the rhetoric, saying it reminded her of the riots in the 70’s in San Fransisco. She said, “Anyone voicing hateful or violent rhetoric, she told reporters, must take responsibility for the results.” Really? Anyone? The results? Needless to say Pelosi won’t be talking about those incidents in her cries for civility, her hypocrisy blinds her to those events.

All of her sudden cries for civility and her sudden dislike of protesters is an amazing turn around from 2006, back then she was all for disruptions, of course back then the wind was blowing in another direction. Funny how back then she wasn’t worried about rhetoric or violence when they were violently protesting (careful not all pics SFW). Of course hypocrites like Pelosi never see their own hypocrisy. Thank goodness there are people like me to point it out.

Is pointing violent?