Archive for Race

A great video about Liberal hypocrisy

Posted in Culture, Media, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on October 5, 2009 by thedoyle

The youtube channel is PaulWilliamsWorld, but not sure if he made it or is just showing it, either its a great video. Watch it and email it friends.

A Defense of Incivility

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 17, 2009 by thedoyle

Everyone seems to be bemoaning a lack of civility lately. This has me laughing, since when has civilization ever been civil? What has me laughing more is the majority of folks doing the bemoaning are on the left, they bemoan “tea-parties”, they bemoan the “mob” of “un-American” townhall protesters, they bemoan Joe Wilson because none of them have ever said anything bad about a President. What’s that you bemoan…er say? Joe Wilson is an elected official and his claim the President was lying makes it a particularly grave form of incivility. Is his incivility any worse than the President who not only called his opponents liars, but then actually LIED? I dunno. I know I think the President was worse but then I am biased towards truth no matter how ugly or uncivil and the President was not telling the truth.

Houston Astros shortstop Miguel Tejada could face a year in jail for lying to Congress over an issue that Congress should never have been involved with. Yet President Obama, stood there and accused others of lying, told people he’d “call them out” if they lied about the bill, and yet Joe Wilson calls out the President and Joe Wilson is the bad guy? Wilson should have called himself a “whistle-blower”, then maybe the Left would have liked him. The again probably not, nothing gets between the Left and their messianic Hope and Changey guy, not even the truth, actually especially not the truth. Obama lied repeatedly in his last address of Congress, he lied to Congress and he lied to the American people, isn’t bold-face lying an uncivil thing to do? All Politicians lie, a friend tells me. He’s right but few do it before, during and after claiming the high ground Obama claimed when he challenged his opponents that he’d call out the liars.

The reaction by the Left to Wilson was immediate and predictable, the Left managed to forget its own incivility towards a President for the past 8 years and went straight for the race card as the explanation for such an outburst. Its the same card they played against the tea-parties and the townhall protesters and the Cambridge police and NY Post cartoonists and Disney (The Lion King was racist) now that means they have at least 5 of a kind, I think they are cheating with a stacked deck. Jimmy Carter, who hasn’t been playing with a full deck for years said the reason for ANY opposition to Obama has to be racist, GA Rep. Hank Johnson did his Orlando Jones Fake Crackhead impersonation and pretended that Liberals knew what logic is when he said Wilson’s outburst if not rebuked would logically lead to a resurgence of the Klan, he then went to talk to Robert Byrd for fashion tips (ok I made that last part up). MSNBC news cropped out film of a townhall protester with a gun so they could claim “armed white men” at the town halls were a sure sign of racism, but the guy with a gun they cropped was black. Aren’t unfounded cries of racism and manipulations of news footage to smear protesters uncivil?

Our culture is filled with incivility, one of the most popular forms of entertainment seems to be reality shows which are nothing but sewers of incivility and they are not even real to boot. America’s favorite golden idol is headed by one of the most uncivil pieces of garbage to come along since Weakest Link’s Anne Robinson, the gap between the two was all of what…5 minutes? Ignoring reality and game shows (which I do, I have never watched ANY reality show or modern game show) look at our regular television, crime dramas with people raping, robbing and murdering each other, comedies with insults a-flying, children’s shows with animals hurling crap at each other and kids who could probably do with having some civility beat into them. If people were to really bemoan incivility so much it goes away what will happen to all those actors? I mean they could be all out of jobs and that……ok that would be fine with me, maybe I could get more people to read.

I live in NYC and ride the subway. I have wanted to punch people who don’t understand the simple physics of two objects cannot exist in the same space at the same time but won’t let me out before they try to get on. I don’t do it though…I just hit them hard with my shoulder as I push out.

The bemoaning of incivility strikes me as odd for another reason, can anyone point to out a civil person? Everyone has uncivil moments, isn’t hypocrisy uncivil? Isn’t the overuse of “bemoaning” uncivil?

So before we all lose our collective minds over the incivility lets all take a deep breath and shut the fuck up about it and go back to being people, ugly and uncivil most of them time. The advantage is when we see a sign of civility like the father who hugs his child instead of yelling at her for throwing back a ball, it shines out that much more. And let us also stand up and say honesty no matter ugly is more important that a false sense of civility. Obama lied, Wilson told the truth, how uncivil of Wilson.

Yay Joe Wilson.

Anti-Semite Jimmy Carter calls someone else a racist. No Seriously he did. UPDATED

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 16, 2009 by thedoyle

So Jimmy Carter isn’t just one of the worst Presidents ever, he is also the worst President of the last 50 years (sorry Libs its true) and if it weren’t for his time with Habitat for Humanity he could be one of the worst persons of the last 50 years. He was a liar and a scum while running for office, saying what ever the crowd wanted to hear to get elected, look at his tenuous support for decriminalization of Marijuana. Lately he has taken on the role of Anti-Semite-in-Chief, blaming the Joooooos for everything wrong with the Middle East and America.

Now he is actually pointing to the sliver in someone else’s eye and calling Joe Wilson’s outburst a racist incident. Carter actually has the nerve to say that since there is still a lot of racism down south (he’s from the south he reminds us, so he knows) the criticisms of Obama are all based on racism. The funny thing about that is assuming there is a lot of racism down south (there’s a lot up north too, oh and east and west and it includes blacks hating other races, latinos hating other races, asians hating other races, basically every race hating every other race) Carter doesn’t turn his own point on himself, or has he forgotten the Klan hates the Joooooos too?

All along Liberals have gleefully used the racist smear at every chance they can at any objection to Obama and his policies. Think Obama is a socialist? (I do) That’s racist, even though socialism has nothing to do with race. Think Obama isn’t from this country? (I don’t) That’s racist, even though different country does not mean different race. Think Obama lies through his teeth? (I absofuckinlutely do) That’s racist. Some of the nitwit Liberals have vivid imaginations, New York Times Op-Ed Hag (I’m sure I will be accused of sexism for that comment) Maureen Dowd even has audible hallucinations because she said in her latest inane screed she heard the word “boy” after Joe Wilson said “You lie” after Obama…LIED. In the words of Football legend John Madden said, “Let’s go to the videotape.” See, no “boy” there but in the minds of Liberals what they imagine is as good as reality, which is why they often don’t ever actually meet reality.

But that’s just a crazy, bitter, lonely op-ed writer I hear you say. Well GA Rep. Hank Johnson, looking and sounding like Orlando Jones in Office Space claimed that Wilson’s outburst will logically lead to people putting on white hoods and riding the countryside terrorizing, and Wilson is the face of that. That guy was elected to replace Cynthia McKinney whose insanity I don’t even have time to go into, nice replacement there, Georgia.

As children, we are taught the story of the boy who cried wolf. The point was that when someone repeats a false charge over and over their credibility is tarnished…and eaten by wolves too for some reason. Yet Liberals haven’t learned that lesson and continue to cry racism everywhere they can. What is funny to me is that often those same people are the ones to claim that the cry of Anti-Semite is over used and applied unfairly to those who have legitimate criticisms of Israel and Israeli policies. So I will admit I don’t have any real proof that Carter is “in his heart” an anti-Semite but he and others like Dowd and Johnson have no proof either about what Wilson really thinks or protesters really think or what I really think.

I will tell you what I really think, I hate everyone equally.

So if we are all going to be called racists no matter what we do then we may as well work hard to vote Obama out of office anyway. If you are damned if you do, damned if you don’t…you may as well do.

Scream, away Liberals.

Victor David Hanson also writes a good column on this. Check it out.

John Hinderaker at Powerline notes the Rasmussen poll that shows that perhaps the cries of wolf…er racism are hurting the screamers

Rumors of my demise…

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 2, 2009 by thedoyle

For anyone who has been here in the past few months and still comes back to read this, thank you.  So…we could have a new Supreme Court Justice. What’s that you say? What do I think about her? Funny you should ask. So many things to say and most of them have been said. I don’t know her. Until she was announced I had heard her name and seen very little and what I have seen since has not impressed me. But I don’t know her. I will she how she does when shes asked questions in the Senate. It is very likely she will be confirmed unless there is some smoking gun out there. But what she has said is important even beyond her as a Justice but also about the role of a Judge, the role of race and the role of Identity Politics.

Here’s the best of what I read:

Cowards? Moi? I think not Liberals.

Posted in Culture, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on February 18, 2009 by thedoyle

Eric Holder, our new Attorney General, whom I have talked about before has claimed this country is a “nation of cowards on matters of race, saying most Americans avoid discussing unresolved racial issues.”

I will now and forever say that Holder can go fuck himself. Is that a brave enough statement for you?

This liberal nitwit continues saying, “we, as average Americans, simply do not talk enough with each other about race.” Well let’s talk about talking about race. Liberals are the ones who care most about race, it matters the most to them. They claim to be the least racist but that is just untrue. MLK said he looked forward to the day when a person was not judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. Liberals have NEVER lived up to that. Just look at our new President. Obama would never have been elected if he had been judged on his character.

Liberals are the MOST racist people I have ever met. It concerns them all the time as they are never able to see past skin color. That is the reason there aren’t more conversations about race. Why would I want to talk to a Liberal about race? I know they are racist, I know they are so small minded to not be able to see past that and it informs everything they say and do. And the worst part about it all is the hypocritical disingenuous way they go about acting as if they are above it all.

Let’s look at this new bullshit that Liberals have spewn upion us about Race. The NY Post had a political cartoon that has race huckster Al Sharpton and the liberal nitwits at the Huffington Post up in arms.

The AP article doesn’t even SHOW the cartoon, so how can anyone who reads the article make up their own mind? HINT: You aren’t supposed to make up your own mind, let the liberals make it for you.

Fortunately the guys at Powerline do have the whole story and the pic.

John Hinderaker also makes some very good points that need to be repeated. Obama didn’t write the stimulus, Pelosi did, so how could the chimp be Obama? Also after 8 years of comparing Bush to a chimp, why are the lovely little BJ and the Bear co-stars off limits for political commentary?

This goes back to my hypocrite statement I made about liberals before and I have talked about in other posts.

Liberals suck. Hows that for honest, Mr. Holder? You are the most racist turd-bags around. Hows that for honest, Mr. Holder? I am sick and tired of hearing about race because to me it isn’t an issue. I don’t care what color you are. I treat everyone the same when I first meet them. If I start to not like someone it has nothing to do with skin color, it has everything to do with the content of their character. People like Holder and Sharpton and Obama have the kind of character I despise, if they were white it would not make them any better, but for some reason since they are black the media and the rest of the liberals overlook their character and judge them by their skin color.

MLK was killed by a white man and his dream was killed by Liberals. Which is worse?


Some others who have been talking about this:

I thought Obama was going to create a post-racial nation.

Posted in Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on November 12, 2008 by thedoyle

Obama was supposed to heal the planet, fix the oceans and create a post racial world. Still waiting on all three it seems. This article chides Lindsay Lohan for using a “derogatory term” for Obama. What is the term you ask? Was it the “N-Word”? Nope. Did she sing a song from the musical Hair? Nope. The headline says it all. “Lindsay Lohan Calls Obama First ‘Colored President’ in Interview”,2933,450347,00.html

Now, its time for a little common sense. According to the politically correct in this country there is only one proper way to refer to to people whose melanin count is much higher than everyone elses…African American. I’m sure Ms. Lohan will be receiving a stern letter from African American watchdog group the NAACP which as we all know stands for the National Association for the Advancement of African Americans…wait no that would be the NAAAA. What does the CP stand for then? Oh I just looked it up it stands for Colored People.

How can they be so insensitive? Well it seems this country has a long history of trying to figure out what to call those high melanin people. The “N-word” is offensive. There is no doubt about that. And the word that inspired the “N-Word”, Negro which is Spanish for black, was used by those who felt disgusted by the “N-Word”. If you look back at speeches by people like Lincoln, you know him he’s one Republican Liberals haven’t figured out how to hate…yet, he uses the word Negro all the time. At the time it was considered the proper term to use.

However, in 1909 an organization came into being, the NAAAA, no sorry the NAACP, and for 70 years the term colored people was considered the polite term. Then in the 1980’s African American was the term we were told to use by Jesse Jackson, the guy who wants Obama’s balls. The suddenly it was no longer ok to use the term colored people…except in titles of 70 year old organizations. But what to do? “I know”, they said, “its not colored people its people of color”. Yeah that will get rid of racism.

So we got such interesting stories of how the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People complained that a Sheriff said “colored officers” instead of “officers of color”. Now we have a whole country that is so worried about offending the NAAAA…err NAACP that people of color allllll over the world are now African American. People of color in Canada are Canadian African Americans. Alright, maybe that’s ok since its one the same Continent. However, during the riots in France a year ago, I saw news reports of “French African Americans.” That must have been a surprise to the French.

Well, as you can see it is a real mess and poor Ms. Lohan looks as tho she will be the next one to feel the wrath of the NAAAA, no the NAAPC, no the NAACP. But it’s not as if we expect Ms. Lohan to be all that bright to know of the history. Plus this goes to the heart of the matter, shouldn’t the issue be not the word used bu the intent behind it? Ms. Lohan was happy that Obama was elected. She chose the term thinking it was the right thing to say. The sheriff in the story I had read about had been praising his “officers of color” as the best he had worked with. NO say the dergatory term police. So we must sit back and wait until the term that is ok this decade changes again. Who knows what it will be but we do know Obama will lead us away from derogatory terms all together. OH? Really?

The Boston Globe online reports and James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal pointed out that Obama has recently used a term that some consider offensive.

Obama’s ‘mutt’ jesting draws pointed criticism

Of the two awkward attempts at humor during President-elect Barack Obama’s first press conference, his reference to not talking to dead presidents is the one that has received most of the attention.


“I didn’t want to get into a Nancy Reagan thing about, you know, doing any seances,” Obama said Friday. Within hours, he called the former first lady to apologize for what his spokeswoman called a “careless and off-handed remark.”

But comments have appeared in the blogosphere on the other joke. Talking about choosing a puppy for his daughters, he said “our preference would be to get a shelter dog, but, obviously, a lot of shelter dogs are mutts like me.”

During the campaign, Obama celebrated his biracial heritage as the son of a white mother from Kansas and an African father from Kenya – and many biracial Americans celebrated with him.

But now on message boards and blogs, some are saying they were offended.

One of the most thought-out is from a woman who runs a blog for mothers of Korean-American children. “I’ve heard mixed-race people use that term to describe themselves before, usually in the same ha-ha way Obama did. I’ve also heard it thrown around as an insult, a pejorative, a slur. I’ve felt the slap of that word across my face” she wrote. “My fear, however, is that Obama, as the first mixed-race president, will shape the way most Americans view people of mixed race for at least a generation. And will Obama calling himself a ‘mutt’ – with humor, as if the word is nothing, nothing at all – make it socially acceptable for people to start calling me a mutt? My kids?”

Taranto noted, “So what is the politically correct term? Mongrel-American?”

Only for now.